Friday, April 19, 2019

Lego football set 3408

Just put it together and now we have camera, x ray and shop, but most importantly and entrance. it has helped with capacity, and a few more mini figures.

I have been sniped.....

When getting my lego I have a few ways of buying it, could go direct to LEGO and to be honest it may well be the surest way of getting brand new LEGO, but it will be the most expensive, also when they retire sets, you can simply can't buy them from them.

I could trawl round every car boot at 6am on a Sunday morning, and where for me it would be fun, it is very much like panning for gold.

So for certain bricks I use bricklink and for old sets I have been using EBAY, as I have found prices on AMAZON to be astronomical, I think their algorithm knows I want LEGO so it triples the price.

Now you always learn from your experiences, case in point was last night, I was waiting to see if I would win 3 items I had bid on, I had set a maximum bid, was the only bidder with a low initial bid. So thought hopefully I will get 3 items for the stadium at a great price.

With 20 minutes to go I went off and did something else on the Internet. Came back and the first to finish item had already finished. I had lost it, out bid by 50p only 2 bids on the item. mine and then the winning bid. Annoyed but as this wasn't my favourite of the three thought "Oh well" best wait around and monitor the other 2 as they only had a few minutes to go.

Minutes turned into seconds, then with 3 seconds to go a bid came in, again like some psychic ninja, the other bidder had one bid 50p more than mine, I had no time to respond (I am sure in the old days of EBAY it used to extend the time of the bidding) another item lost.

Turned to the last item, same again, with seconds to go, and also one bid 50p more than mine, and bang it's gone.

I was all for reporting it, when investigating it was one account, for all 3 items. Did a google search thinking if this had happened to others, and discovered a practise called sniping. As described it is a system where you can put an automatic bid in, for the last minute it will then trump any other bids placed as folks would think they are getting it for the low price, and the other person has no time to respond.

I had put in my maximum bid for two of the items, one of them I would have stretched a bit more for. But I do have to watch my budget and thought although it's annoying, I really don't want to be sucked into a bidding war. I paid I think a little more than I wanted for a football pitch because I had lost several before, only to win one the next day for less than half the price.

So lesson learnt, be patient, and set my maximum bid I would pay for the item. If I win, great, if I get sniped, so be it. But don't just try to go for a bargain, be realistic in what you would pay for the item.

Hope this helps.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Latest on the stadium.

As I have put in the tweet, I am awaiting a few items to come through the post. another pitch 3409, which means I will have another 10 mini figures as well to add to the crowd, and I have 3408 camera gantry and the man himself Zidane.

Monday, April 15, 2019

Lego Football 3409

The football pitch has been collected from the Post Office, (I am sure posties only bring the sorry we missed you cards and then run off) anyways, a happy hour putting the pitch together and a little test out.

I had bid and lost on a few of these pitches, and now no sooner do I win and get one, I won another for half the price which is on it's way this week, kinda annoying but at least I have two now. Can put them together to make one super pitch.

It does raise another debate, this pitch or base plate pitch when building a stadium up around them?

Would love your thoughts.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Just playing around with seating ideas.

Before I get the first football pitch delivered I was just having a first little tinker with seating ideas. Before I go and start buying in larger amounts of bricks to build it.


My First Kit build.

I know in the grand scheme of things it might not be a biggy, but this was my first LEGO kit which I put together. We all have to start somewhere.


Lego Premier League Stadium by Bric Fx

I am still playing around with how I would like to build the stands, also it is looking at getting the bricks in and have the room to set it out, I guess it will be a lot easier when I win my bid for the LEGO football pitch. But here is a video to get lots of ideas from,


Lego County Stadium from Bric FX

Video 1 from Bric Fx

To be honest I would be happy if my effort comes anywhere near this county ground level, let alone some of the creations in future videos. It certainly gives me something to build towards.



This will be me blogging about building a stadium out of LEGO. I have seen some truly wonderful efforts around the net and will feature them as well in the blog. Sharing the great things which I have found, and the writing about my own little adventure. I await to be the winning bid for a LEGO football pitch 3409.

I have bought a box and had just as much fun organising the bricks as I expect to have building with them. Please don't have any high expectations of my build quality, this is just for fun.