So the picture just under the actual train station photo is first tinker, always interesting to tinker, out lass said it looked like a railway bridge, so in some respects I did get the train vibe. It also point out a few issues that need addressing,
1) How to make it so the arches fit to a 48 stud base plate, as the whole stadium is being designed so it can be moved around or stored easily enough on shelving units.
2) How to incorporate the glass element, one of my favourite clear bricks is 1x5x6 so I am thinking, unlike what you see on my 1st tinker of having it 2 stud thick I was thinking of making it 3 stud thick, with a front 1 stud, back 1 stud and having the clear trans bricks as the filler to the sandwich. To do this though I need the trans clears bricks, which haven't been cheap enough so far. But I am sure I can source some in the future and see how that looks.
Now our lass rightly thinks I am taking over the house, but really I want to if possible get everything into the garage with my office table being office space when working, and Lego space when building. Clearing the garage did show we have enough room, just need to sort out a table, have thought if I make 2 tables of 4ft x 4ft it would give me the desired 8ft x 4ft table I am looking for. Also if I make them my self from 4ft posts, I can then store some of the garage gear underneath as it also became clear I can't get rid of it all just yet.
So that's you all updated, feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section.
So I need some space for #MyLegoStadium which l have just about sorted. 8ft by 4ft be a good start need to find table, One slight issue though, what to do with all the stuff on the drive?— MyLegoStadium (@stadium_my) June 24, 2020
First little tinker with the new bricks. Arch way for the new stand.— MyLegoStadium (@stadium_my) June 25, 2020