Thursday, June 25, 2020

Trains, Lego bricks and Clearing the garage

Life is best played out if you just go with the flow sometimes, all things happen for a reason. A conversation with @studdersfield led to me looking at train stations frontage, which then gave me the idea for the arch way design below. Liverpool Lime Street is a station me and my wife have been to a few times. It would take a lot more room than our garage to do it justice in Lego, but I could take a little bit of it as an idea.

So the picture just under the actual train station photo is first tinker, always interesting to tinker, out lass said it looked like a railway bridge, so in some respects I did get the train vibe. It also point out a few issues that need addressing,

1) How to make it so the arches fit to a 48 stud base plate, as the whole stadium is being designed so it can be moved around or stored easily enough on shelving units.

2) How to incorporate the glass element, one of my favourite clear bricks is 1x5x6 so I am thinking, unlike what you see on my 1st tinker of having it 2 stud thick I was thinking of making it 3 stud thick, with a front 1 stud, back 1 stud and having the clear trans bricks as the filler to the sandwich. To do this though I need the trans clears bricks, which haven't been cheap enough so far. But I am sure I can source some in the future and see how that looks.

Now our lass rightly thinks I am taking over the house, but really I want to if possible get everything into the garage with my office table being office space when working, and Lego space when building. Clearing the garage did show we have enough room, just need to sort out a table, have thought if I make 2 tables of 4ft x 4ft it would give me the desired 8ft x 4ft table I am looking for. Also if I make them my self from 4ft posts, I can then store some of the garage gear underneath as it also became clear I can't get rid of it all just yet.

So that's you all updated, feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section.

Liverpool Lime Street railway station - Wikipedia

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Monday, June 22, 2020

The otherside of Lockdown

What we have just experienced over the past few months, would ordinarily have been subject matter for a sci-fi film, but we have all just gone through it, and to say we are the other side or not I don't know. I am however trying to bring back normality, trying to hark back to a time before. A time which we now call normal. To do this I have started buying Lego again, seemed one heck of an extravagance if I wasn't earning any money so it is why I paused buying Lego. I now work from home, and today my wife goes back to work (how long for we will shortly find out as my wife is right terrified of having to do her job face to face). If all goes well though we will be a giant step forward towards normal.

We do as humans enjoy being normal, or at least don't want to be seen as abnormal. Now you could say a grown man in his 40s wanting to build a football stadium out of Lego isn't completely normal but it does help when you find out you are not the only one. Some have done it before by building all 92 football stadiums, some like me are just going to be building a Lego stadium to their own design or simply like building with Lego.

So if you find yourself on Twitter feel free to follow

@brickstand @CCFC_jules @studdersfield @interlockingfc @BusesLego

You can't go far wrong. a selection of accounts from folks who been in the media thanks to their skill of Lego building to enthusiasts who like me love Lego.

Now what are the plans, well I will talk about the actual build in the future, but first I need somewhere to put it all. as you will see from the tweet below. The stadium is split between two rooms, it has been put away and then brought out for photos then put back again. I would really like to have it out on display, if to stop me worrying about dropping it one time with all the moving about, and to actually enjoy it. 

So the garage has been designated, but as you will see from the photos. It needs some clearing, things are put away with the sole purpose of they will be useful at some point, but if they haven't been used in years, is time to let go? We have had a pair of ladders which have been used once in 12 years and not even by me. The project for the forseeable will not just be about the build but where it will be located. I will keep you updated and thanks for reading.