Thursday, July 2, 2020

I am one seat short of a full stand

This week I finally got around to making the clock tower stand whole. I had worked back to front, unlike all the other stands in which I have normally started from the front of the stand with the lower bricks then found a way to build them up.

I already knew what to expect as I could work side by side with a stand I had already nearly completed. I knew where the base plates needed to go, and also was prepared for having to put in small base plate bricks 1x4 and 1x6 other wise the stand would be out by the depth of the base plates used. The slither base plates I put normally just above the trans clear bricks in the back.

If it wasn't for the base plates though, it would mean purchasing a heck of a lot more 4x2 bricks to help fill the stand so I could make the step process work as you work up the stand, I have estimated it would be at least 1,000 bricks and as the current price is 7p a brick that saves around £70 plus a lot of sore finger ends pushing them altogether as well, it also when I get around to it, leaves an area at the back of the stand to fill with infrastructure for the ground. Still lots of ideas rattling around in my head but will enjoy setting the stage.

As the title suggested though, when applying the red seats, I was one seat short of a full stand. (It has been said in many other forms before of me) So that is another thing which has been on the shopping list but waiting for the price to fall, considering I am looking for at least a 1,000 or more of them, every 1p saving is a tenner towards something else. I am also on the look out for the railing bars, same again, only looking for a few hundred of them, but every penny counts when you are multiplying by the hundreds.

I had hoped to set it out on the dining table just to aid the count up of the capacity so far, it should be over the 1k mark. But something is telling me not to, funny old thing intuition, I have already had one accident with a camper van model, so for the moment I am holding fire but will do it on a Thursday in the future. (All things for a reason).

Currently I am starting a new corner stand as other wise any photos would have had an end stand detatched from the rest of the stadium so in a week or so that might be on it's way to being completed so would make a better photo than what I have at the moment.

I am gathering the bricks for my new stand, (CLICK HERE TO SEE THE START OF THE IDEA) I have no space for it, and don't have the base plates as of yet, but I am full of ideas, and much like this tower stand it will more than likely be built from the back to the front.

So not only am I one seat short of a full stand I do everything back to front now, I about sums me up, thanks for reading, feel free to comment.


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