Thursday, July 23, 2020

I would build 500 seats and I have built 500 more.

So I finally got around to setting MyLegoStadium up in the garage. It had been in different locations in the bedrooms upstairs, and my main worry was that each time I set it up and put it away again, something would get damaged, or heaven forbid get dropped. So now apart from the spiders and the dust, and a dust sheet will solve the latter, it is in it's current not to be moved home.


As you can see from the photo there is a lot more to do, I had since being in lockdown been able to work a bit more on the end stand. By building the end stand and making a basic start on the corner stand this has brought the capacity above 1,000 to be precise 1,046.


I can't look a gift horse in the mouth, as our lass bought me the table, which I managed to convince her I needed two, and it's a good job I did as it wouldn't have been wide enough, but I had measured and it had needed to be 8ft long, and as with most tables they were 6ft, so currently the stand if on display is poking over the edge. My next job is to  convince our lass about getting two more tables. It will effectively take over the garage, so I best choose my moment.


I have also, thanks to finding three base plates I had forgot about made a exploratory starts on the dug out side of the stadium. I have started working back to front, originally I was going to do all arches the same as Lime street station, but started playing around with the bricks above. Things to consider is the strength to carry smaller base plates for the next level which is balanced on the back structure, I also have to figure out a way to put the dug out in at the front, as they will have different larger seating compared to the normal 2x2 seats which seem scarce at the moment as it is. I have looked at 3x3 technic chairs which give that dug out feel. 

So this is what is happening so far, would love your thoughts.

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