Friday, March 27, 2020

Latest build, brings capacity up to 908

It's been a strange old world at the moment. So to take my mind off things I revamped the main stand, I have always been reluctant to do this, as this was the original part of the stadium and I had the worries of taking it apart and then when I rebuilt it, not being happy with the results and thus having ruined what I had done already.

I won't put every photo up, as I did take a series of photos as I was rebuilding the stand, feel free to follow me on Twitter and look through the timeline. I did during the process get what I describe as "Lego Finger" my index finger on my right hand became sore from taking apart and pushing back down all the bricks. A small price to pay in the current circumstances.

The results I would say are fantastic, the only sad new is that I have now run out of bricks. I had well over a 1,000 filler bricks, and they were eaten up right away. so the build is on hold for the stadium, and as it does come at an expense it may be a few months delay, as there is bigger priorities at the moment.

What I will be doing though, is looking through the boxes of lego sets that I got, but never had the patience to sort. There is one thing about self isolation, I have been able to get a lot of jobs done, which I have always found an excuse to do something else. Even if we didn't go out, there was always some sport on the television. the garden has never looked so sorted.

Anyways, as ever throw a comment my way if you have one, and follow on twitter if you want to see the latest. Thanks for passing by.


Sunday, March 22, 2020

When tinkering leads to more tinkering

I do love to have a good tinker, I normally do it before I go ahead with the actual build, a dry run. For quite a while it has been on my list of to dos to get the access sorted to the second tier. This main stand was the first part of my build, it was meant to be simple seating, then directors box with seating above. I included the entrances from an actual Lego set. It then grew to 2 base plates of 48x48 which I put together, but all the time I had to sort access to the 2nd tier.

Today, I finally had a tinker, using recently acquired bricks, it looks okay. ( I never think anything is perfect) but I had wanted to use 8x16 base plates which I have used to create floors and roofs on the directors box and corner stands and also saved a lot of bricks on the end stands I have been building, but they are thicker than the ground base plates, so the bricks would have been unlevel. This meant using some spare green base plates i had 16x16 stud. As you can see from the photos it has helped create the access, it has also given more seating. But is quite an extension, so left me thinking I really need to rebuild the whole stand, making the second tier go right across with no gaps.

So one bit of tinkering does indeed lead to another. It means I will have to build it over 3 (48x48) base plates. Not entirely sure how this will workout, I also don't want to ruin the very stand which started this all off. On a positive side though, it should free up a lot of white bricks, when I first started building I was quite naive to simply use white bricks for filling and on show, so by stripping it back I should be able to free them up and use the coloured bricks I have now as the filler.

This is a build I might tackle on Thursday, all depends on life and what it throws at us. As always I would love your thoughts and comments, feel free to share ideas, or links to your own lego builds.


Saturday, March 14, 2020

My stadium corner stands

As you will see with the twitter posts below I have been tinkering with the corner stands. My first attempt was in the second tweet, where I used a lot of red 4x2 bricks just to see how it would work, it is the first one where I have integrated stairs so there is actual access to the higher levels. I do have plans for this all around the stadium, it is just currently I build the bare bones then keep adding to them.

The first tweet was actually my second attempt, it is where I have used the white bricks, and incorporated a score board (well old mobile phone) this time though without sorting the access to the higher levels, this is again something for the future.

That means there is a lot for the future, and if life gets any more isolating due to the corona virus, then I make have all the time I could ever want, but as usual the main problem will be a lack of bricks, I have ordered quite a few more, and some plates heres hoping it will get to us before nay quarantine.
